The Water Wonderland Chapter is made up of people who are passionate about classic boating and love to share that passion with others. If you are new to the hobby, or even not-so-new but have questions, we want to connect you with people who can help. Below are members from our club who are specifically designated to be of assistance and are happy to receive a call or text from you. We like to call them our “On-Boarders” because they help others get ‘on-board’ with our hobby, both figuratively, and literally. Perhaps you have questions around docking, tying up a boat, trailering, stuffing box maintenance, impeller replacement, varnishing, or any number of general maintenance or operational issues. This team is here to help.
Please see photos and a brief introduction of each individual below.

David Willis
How I wish someone had taught me how to turn a single-screw boat in tight quarters or properly set up a boat on a trailer! Dave Willis and his wife Connie grew up in Navy families and first met in Japan in the 1960’s. While you might expect that, being from a Navy background, they were always around boats, not so. Both of our fathers were Naval Aviators, so we were around a lot more airplanes than boats. The exception was Dave’s father.

David Irvine
David Irvine has had a love of boats since he spent 5 summers on Block Island, Rhode Island as a child. He moved to southeast Michigan when he was 9 and has had boats ever since. He’s been a long time member of the Michigan Chapter of the Antique & Classic Boat Society (ACBS) and more recently, a board member of this Water Wonderland Chapter.

John Hanks
I live in Grand Rapids with my wife Linda. I have had my 1948 Christ Craft 17 foot Runabout since 1989, having enjoyed every minute on the water. I’m not a mechanic or boat restorer but I have learned a lot over the years when it comes to standard maintenance and most of all who may be available to help with questions.

Dennis Hansen
Although Barb’s Family had a Chris Craft cabin cruiser on the Chesapeake when she was growing up, Barb and I came to the antique boating hobby within a few years of being retired. We purchased our first and only boat, a white hulled CC U22 in 2012 and named it the Red Cedar.