South Haven Boat Cruise
July 17 @ 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Mark your Calendars. Meet at city ramps/launch site up river from the drawbridge 625 Dunkley Ave, South Haven, MI 49090. Meet at the Black River Park Boat Launch at 4:30 pm, cruise starts at 5 sharp! Dinner on water location on your own. You are welcome to park at the Maritime Museum Dock AS LONG AS you retrieve your boat before they close the gates at eight. Options include Captain Lou’s (if their new construction is finished), or Admiral Jack’s. We can call ahead to see if there are small groups that want to go to either.
Feel free to come earlier to visit the Michigan Maritime Museum:
Please RSVP to cruise coordinator David Irvine at jirvine123@yahoo.com by July 15, 2025.
1. 4:30 – 5 pm – Launch at the South Haven city ramps and then come down to the museum and dock there.
2. 5:00 – 6:09 Cruise led by Captain Kirk Hoffman in the museum’s 1929 Chris-Craft Cadet “Merry Time” which is pictured above . If the wave height on Lake Michigan is 1 foot or less, we can cruise on Lake Michigan going north to Sleepy Hollow, then south to Deerlick Creek Park, then back to the harbor. (Merry Time can’t handle waves over 1 foot). If Lake Michigan is too rough, we’ll take a 3 mile cruise up the Black River.
3. 6:30 – Return to the museum, dock there, and then have dinner. Several restaurants are walkable from the museum. Captain Lou’s is next door. Admiral Jack’s is across the river. Clementine’s, Maria’s, Taste, and the Black River Tavern are a little farther. Service will likely be slow. Please plan accordingly if you decide to leave your boat at the museum from 6 to 8 as you need to retrieve it before the museum gates close you may choose to pull your boat before you go to dinner.
4. After dinner – load boats and head home.